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She Married a Frenchman

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Book Details

Title:She Married a Frenchman
Bottome, Phyllis   
(9 of 12 for author by title)
The Victim and The Worm
The Pace
Published:   1915
Publisher:Smart Set Company, Inc.
Tags:fiction, novella, romance

The Pinsents were a most accommodating family and though, of course, they sometimes quarrelled, it was all in a loud, direct, natural way which generally ended in chaff. The saw no reason why they shouldn’t be modern. There were certain risks, of course, in allowing your daughters to play mixed hockey, smoke cigarettes and belong to a suffrage movement (they could attend meetings, but weren’t to throw stones). Still, it was strange how little harm these concessions to modernity had done the Pinsent girls. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:66 Info

Author Bio for Bottome, Phyllis

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In her 60-year career she published 33 novels, several of them bestsellers, short stories, essays, biographies and memoirs. She lectured widely in Britain and America. She was translated into nine languages. Her 1937 novel The Mortal Storm predicted the horrific consequences of Fascism. MGM made a film of it, starring James Stewart — the studio’s first openly anti-Nazi film. It premiered in America in 1940, just as Hitler’s troops entered Paris, and was arguably influential in persuading the US to abandon its isolationist stance.

—The Spectator

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