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The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

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Book Details

Title:The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Traven, B.   
Published:   1935
Publisher:Hill and Wang
Tags:fiction, gold, Mexico, western, film/TV adaptation

Written in the 30’s, this story provides intricate details about the adventures of the poor scrapping men trying to find work in Mexico. It is about Spanish and American imperialism, the power of capitalism, the despoiling of the environment (yet another oil boom), religious elitism and power mongering and (mostly) the omnipresent greed in the heart of every man. Three men seek their fortune in gold, finding that it is a chore and there are unimagined perils....—Ned @ Goodreads.com.

The book is the basis for the 1948 John Huston directed movie of the same name starring Humphrey Bogart, Tim Holt and Walter Huston. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:271 Info

Author Bio for Traven, B.

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B. (or Bruno) Traven is the pseudonym of a writer who was probably German (his novels appeared first in German) and who lived in Mexico for many years (the scene of several of them). The most popular candidate for B. Traven’s identity is a German actor and anarchist named Ret Marut. This does not advance matters very far since Ret Marut is also a pseudonym, a reference to the Marut storm deities of Hinduism. For its part, the name B. Traven first shows up on the Berlin literary scene and in a Social Democratic German newspaper in 1925. In 1926, the first of B. Traven’s twelve novels Das Totenschiff (The Death Ship) appeared. This was followed in 1927 by his most famous work The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.(Der Schatz der Sierra Madre), the basis for the 1948 John Huston film.

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