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Trouble Shooter

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Book Details

Title:Trouble Shooter
Haycox, Ernest   
(3 of 4 for author by title)
Whispering Range
Grim Canyon
Published:   1937
Publisher:G. K. Hall & Co.
Tags:fiction, western, film/TV adaptation

The Story of Frank Peace. He was trouble shooter for the Union Pacific, hand-picked as the only man in the West who could get the road over a thousand miles of rugged desert and treacherous mountains. Faced with savage Indians, bands of vicious outlaws, and power hungry interests sworn to destroy him, Frank Peace was in the business of war. And every man from Omaha to Salt Lake City would have to prove either friend or foe before Frank Peace was through.—Goodreads.com.

The book is the basis for the 1939 Cecil B. DeMille film “Union Pacific” starring Barbara Stanwyck and Joel McCrea. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:210 Info

Author Bio for Haycox, Ernest

Author Image

Ernest James Haycox was a popular Western writer born on October 1, 1899 in Portland, Oregon. He enlisted in the army in 1915, was stationed along the Mexican border in 1916, and was sent to Europe during World War I. He got a degree in journalism from the University of Oregon in 1923. In the 1920s, he began writing action-packed Western stories with heroic heroes, villainous villains, and damsels in distress. He published his first novel Free Grass in 1929 and made his first appearance in Collier’s magazine in 1931. In the 1930s, he based more of his fiction on historical events and made frequent use of the cliché of “dark” brunette and “light” blonde female characters. His 1937 “Stage to Lordsburg” became John Ford’s 1939 classic Stagecoach, a film which consolidated John Wayne’s status as a major star. In the 1940s, with his commercial success, his heroes became more reflective, and his stories revolved more around his native Oregon. He died of cancer on October 13, 1950.

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