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Sun-Dog Loot

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Book Details

Title:Sun-Dog Loot
Tuttle, Wilbur C.   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Four in One Westerns
Published:   1926
Publisher:W. Collins Sons & Co Ltd
Tags:fiction, western

There has been an epidemic of crime in the valley of the Sun-Dog, Montana. “Brick” Davidson, the sheriff, seems unable to handle the situation, and the County Commissioners decide to employ a professional investigator named Santel. Spurred by this move, Brick, with the assistance of “Harp” Harris and “Silent” Slade, his two closest friends, tug into the mystery, which later involves the killing of a stage-driver and the disappearance of his little boy known as “Whizzer.” The action moves swiftly as Brick builds his evidence, link by link, against an organised band of range criminals, who stop at nothing to baulk the law, and the climax of the tale comes when Brick finds the little boy, after a killing at a half-breed’s shack in the mountains, and carries him to town, where little Whizzer’s evidence forges the last link in the chain.—Intro. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:149 Info

Author Bio for Tuttle, Wilbur C.

W. C. (Wilbur Coleman) Tuttle was born on November 11, 1883 in Glendive, the Montana Territory, the U.S., and died on June 6, 1969 in Los Angeles, California at the age of 85. He was a popular and prolific pulp writer, novelist, cartoonist, illustrator, baseball lover and semi-pro player, radio narrator, and silent film screenwriter of Westerns, producing more than 1000 magazine stories and dozens of novels. In a 1915 issue of the pulp fiction magazine Adventure, its editor Arthur S. Hoffman commented one of its selections was the funniest he had ever bought. Tuttle thought he could do better and sent in his effort which Hoffman bought. So began Tuttle’s storied story writing career. In a 1930 poll, he was voted the most popular writer at Adventure, finishing ahead of, in order, Arthur O. Friel, Harold Lamb, Talbot Mundy, and H. Bedford-Jones. His contributions to the Western genre were his humour and introduction of the detective story into it. His best and most well-known cowboy detective series stars the alliteratively paired Hashknife Hartley and his friend Sleepy Stevens.

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