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The Man Who Made Himself

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Book Details

Title:The Man Who Made Himself
Nutt, Charles Leroy  Writing under the pseudonym: Beaumont, Charles   
Published:   1957
Publisher:Imagination Science Fiction
Tags:fiction, novella, science fiction

Pete Nolan knew everything about his past life up to the present; but the trouble was he couldn’t find anybody to verify his existence!--Introduction. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:30 Info

Author Bio for Nutt, Charles Leroy

Born Charles Leroy Nutt on January 2, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, Charles Beaumont was an American science fiction and horror writer who wrote several classic episodes of the Twilight Zone. He also wrote for film. Growing up, his home life was unstable; harassed because of his last name, he quit school in the tenth grade. After several odd jobs, he sold his first story to Amazing Stories, a science fiction magazine, in 1950 and, as an adult, he legally changed his name to Beaumont. In 1954, his Black Country was the first short fiction published in Playboy. Along with Rod Serling and Richard Matheson, Charles Beaumont was a principal writer for the TV series the Twilight Zone. His episodes included "The Howling Man", "Static", "Miniature", "Printer's Devil", and "Number Twelve Looks Just Like You". His promising career was, however, cut short. In 1963, at the age of 34, he began to show signs of early-onset dementia. He died on February 21, 1967 in Woodland Hills, California at the age of 38.

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