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The Boss of the Double E

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Book Details

Title:The Boss of the Double E
Robertson, Frank Chester   
Published:   1928
Publisher:W. Collins Sons & Co Ltd
Tags:fiction, western

The ill-repute of the shiftless King Creek Coles has followed honest young Bert Cole ever since he first tried to get a start in the world. In Snowville one afternoon he is accused of theft, and Ike Blunt, local boss, essays to horsewhip him. Bert denies the charge and defends himself successfully with his fists. Then he evades pursuit by the deputy sheriff, and accepts the offer of a job from Linn Marshall, a wealthy rancher who had witnessed the fight. Cole now commences in earnest to prove his innocence. He falls foul of a rustling gang and becomes involved in a murder charge. After many exciting adventures and desperate fights Cole clears himself at last and marries the girl of his choice. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:144 Info

Author Bio for Robertson, Frank Chester

Frank Chester Robertson was born on January 12, 1890 in Moscow, Idaho. His father was a Mormon convert and he grew up working as a shepherd and farmer. It was not until his thirties, he became a prolific writer of Western novels, short stories, and newspaper articles. His first Western novel, The Foreman of the Forty Bar, came out in 1924 in the magazine People’s Popular Monthly. It was syndicated in various newspapers and published the following year in 1925 as a book. It was one of over a 150 hard cover books he produced. In 1937, he moved his family to Mapleton, Utah where he wrote and grew cherries. His most popular work was the 1950 autobiographical, A Ram in the Thicket: The Story of a Roaming Homesteader Family on the Mormon Frontier. He died on July 29, 1969 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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