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The Luck Shop

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Book Details

Title:The Luck Shop
Winch, Evelyn   
Published:   1935
Tags:fiction, romance

The “Luck Shop,” that little shop of magic, had become the vogue for the moment, the rendezvous for smart Mayfair and a home from home for superstitious Belgravia. In the narrow room behind the shop, Madame Fiona, formerly a dancer of international fame, told fortunes, and Pennie (short for Pennsylvania) Cummin secured a post as her assistant. Pennie finds herself the unwilling participant in strange rites, but Michael Kerr comes to rescue her from her unfortunate plight. Miss Evelyn Winch has written a gripping romance which will enthrall her readers.--intro. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:187 Info

Author Bio for Winch, Evelyn

Evelyn Winch (1895-1939) was a British writer. Born in Auckland, New Zealand to British parents, she grew up in Scotland. Forgotten author of at least 16 novels, most of them romantic with mystery and suspense elements. Very popular in her day, titles include The Mountain of Gold (1928), The Hunting of Hilary (1929), Enemy's Kiss (1935), The Luck Shop (1935), The Dark Path (1936), Passport to Happiness (1937), Happily Ever After (1938), and Mankiller (1939). In 1939, with mental health issues exacerbated by overwork and anxieties about the approaching war, Winch committed suicide by shooting herself with a handgun. (Goodreads.com)

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