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A Short History of the Canadian People

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Book Details

Title:A Short History of the Canadian People
Bryce, George   
(2 of 3 for author by title)
The Siege and Conquest of the North Pole
Our Canadian Prairies
Published:   1914
Publisher:Gilbert and Rivington, Limited
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history

The writer has departed from the usual custom in previous Canadian histories of giving whole chapters on the war of 1812-1815; the rise and fall of administrations, whose single aim seemed to be to grasp power; and on petty discussions which have left no mark upon the country.

Instead of making his work a “drum and trumpet history,” or a “mere record of faction fights,” the author aims at giving a true picture of the aboriginal inhabitants, the early explorers and fur-traders, and the scenes of the French régime; at tracing the events of the coming of the Loyalists, who were at once the “Pilgrim Fathers” of Canada, and the “Jacobites” of America; and at following in their struggles and improvement the bands of sturdy immigrants, as year after year they sought homes in the wilderness, and by hundreds of thousands filled the land. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:446 Info

Author Bio for Bryce, George

George Bryce (1844-1931) was a Canadian historian. Working as a Presbyterian reverend in Manitoba, he was very interested in history. He was the founder of Manitoba College and was responsible for organizing the Manitoba Historical Society in 1875 and the Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society in 1879. In writing "A Short History of the Canadian People", he wrote about Canadian society and its dynamics rather than a typical history on political and constitutional development. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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