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There's Always Another Year

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Book Details

Title:There's Always Another Year
Ostenso, Martha   
(21 of 28 for author by title)
The Sunset Tree
Published:   1933
Publisher:Dodd, Mead & Company
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, romance

This mild little tale has all the ingredients prescribed for a conventional romance: a misunderstood heroine, an earnest hero, a weak woman, and a country bumpkin villain. Its background of the Dakota prairies is often described with poetic feeling. It is the tale of a lovely motherless girl, who returns after her father’s death to his farm and his sister, falls in love with the land, her aunt, and the latter’s married stepson, and struggles not to let Roddy know that she cares for him. There is an air of predictability throughout the book. Everything will surely come out all right for such an abused, noble, and attractive girl; no one will let such an upright young man as Roddy continue with his shallow, flirtatious wife; and doom is written on the forehead of the city slicker who follows the heroine to the farm as soon as he makes his appearance. So it happens.—Saturday Review, Oct 28, 1933. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:162 Info

Author Bio for Ostenso, Martha

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Martha Ostenso (1900-1963) was an American author and screenwriter. Born in Norway, her family emigrated to Manitoba, but eventually settled in the U.S. Midwest. She studied at the University of Manitoba where she met another author, Douglas Durkin whom she married in 1945. They moved to New York where she continued her studies at Columbia University. Ostenso is best known for her critically acclaimed first novel, "Wild Geese". The book is set in rural Manitoba and is known as a landmark work in the new field of literary 'realism'. She adapted the book into a movie which was released in 1927. Ostenso published about a dozen more novels but none achieved as much notoriety as her debut work. (Canadian Encyclopedia, Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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