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Sky High (Steeley #1)

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Book Details

Title:Sky High (Steeley #1)
Johns, W. E. (William Earl)   
(81 of 100 for author by title)
The Spy Flyers
Sinister Service
Published:   1936
Publisher:Latimer House Limited
Tags:fiction, flying

Back from the war-scarred skies of Flanders came Steeley Delaroy, air ace and aristocrat, to find a country that no longer had need of its heroes. The war bird disappeared and in its place arose a bird of prey, an elusive Robin Hood often defying the forces of law and order with reckless abandon and amassing wealth from strange sources and for stranger purposes.—Dustjacket. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:121 Info

Author Bio for Johns, W. E. (William Earl)

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William Earl Johns (1893-1968), better known as Capt. W. E. Johns, was a British author noted for his juvenile fiction featuring stories about pilots and flying. Johns first career was as a sanitary inspector but he soon gave it up to enlist in the army at the beginning of World War I. He saw action during the Gallipoli Campaign and also served garrison duty in Egypt. Afterwards he applied to serve in the Royal Flying Corps. He was posted to a flying school in England where he trained pilots. In the 1930s he began to write fiction basing his stories on his flying experience. All told he wrote over 150 novels and short stories for young boys and girls. (wejohns.com)

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