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The Winter of Our Discontent

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Book Details

Title:The Winter of Our Discontent
Steinbeck, John   
(31 of 31 for author by title)
The White Quail
Published:   1961
Publisher:The Viking Press
Tags:fiction, film/TV adaptation

Ethan Allen Hawley, the protagonist of Steinbeck’s last novel, works as a clerk in a grocery store that his family once owned. With Ethan no longer a member of Long Island’s aristocratic class, his wife is restless, and his teenage children are hungry for the tantalizing material comforts he cannot provide. Then one day, in a moment of moral crisis, Ethan decides to take a holiday from his own scrupulous standards. Set in Steinbeck’s contemporary 1960 America, the novel explores the tenuous line between private and public honesty that today ranks it alongside his most acclaimed works of penetrating insight into the American condition.--Goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Comments:A serial version of this novel appeared in McCall’s
Pages:184 Info

Author Bio for Steinbeck, John

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John Steinbeck (1902-1968) was one of the great American writers. He was known for writing books filled with social criticism such as Tortilla Flats and The Grapes of Wrath. He won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for his "realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen social perception." (nobelprize.org)

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