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Born in Paradise

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Book Details

Title:Born in Paradise
von Tempski, Armine   
(1 of 3 for author by title)
Bright Spurs
Published:   1940
Publisher:Ox Bow Press
Tags:autobiography, non-fiction, ranch life, Hawaii

Sixty thousand acres there were on Haleakala Ranch—sixty thousand acres, herds of cattle, scores of cowboys, blooded horses, and a setting of fabulous beauty. Over it all as manager, presided Armine von Tempski’s dashing, warm-hearted, tempestuous father—himself son of a von Tempski who as a young cavalry officer had fled political persecution in Poland to lead a life of adventure in the Antipodes.

Before she could walk, Armine began to ride, carried on a pillow in front of the saddle. Boundless space surrounded her, music and laughter were eternally in her ears. Volcanoes and tidal waves, glorious blue and gold days on mountain tops, great winds singing a saga of freedom, cattle pouring like red rivers between tumbled hills, made each day a fresh adventure. With engaging freshness of style, Armine von Tempski not only captures the incredible beauty of the Islands, but also creates for our delight the vigorous and free ranch-life she knew in her Paradise.—Excerpt from Dust Cover. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:274 Info

Author Bio for von Tempski, Armine

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Armine von Tempski (1892 –1943) was an American writer and one of Hawaii's best known authors. She was a granddaughter of Gustavus von Tempsky.

Armine von Tempski's autobiographies and novels were based on her early life among the paniolos (cowboys) on the Haleakala cattle ranch located on Maui Island atop the Haleakala shield volcano. The Haleakala Ranch, which Jack London first visited in 1907, was his favorite of the Hawaiian ranches he enjoyed on several extended visits. The young Armine, then sixteen years old, asked London to read some of her stories and give his opinion. He said that they were "clumsy, incoherent tripe" but added that "every so often there's a streak of fire on your pages," which encouraged her.

Her first novel "Hula" was published when she was in her 30's and was made into a movie starring Clara Bow in 1927.

Her most popular book was the first of her two autobiographical books and it was entitled "Born in Paradise".

Sources: hawaiiforvisitors.com; Wikipedia

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