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First Row--Orchestra

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Title:First Row--Orchestra
Barnard, Leslie Gordon   
(7 of 18 for author by title)
Lighted Windows
The Excise Officer
Brinkerhoff, R. M. (Robert Moore)   
(1 of 10 for author by title)
The Fit-Up
Published:   1920
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, short story

The innocence of family enjoying a celebrated daughter on stage gets caught up in the melodrama of the behind the scenes goings on in the theatre company. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:21 Info

Author Bio for Barnard, Leslie Gordon

Author Image

Leslie Gordon Barnard (1890-1961) was a prolific Canadian short story writer who had several hundred short stories pulished throughout North America, in magazines such as Canadian Magazine, MACLEAN'S, Family Herald, National Home Monthly, and Canadian Home Journal. Three collections of his work were published - One Generation Away in 1931; Jancis in 1935; and So Near is Grandeur in 1945.

Leslie Gordon Barnard's place in Canadian LITERARY HISTORY has been undervalued but he sheer number of short stories Barnard published, however, indicates not only his skill in writing within the genre, but also the high demand for his work by readers. While not highly praised in his lifetime, Leslie Gordon Barnard enjoyed great success, and as critics have begun to recognize the importance of popular fiction as a cultural representation and a form that can capture the mood of an era or generation, Barnard's contributions to it and his place in Canadian literary history are becoming recognized.

Leslie Gordon Barnard served as president of the CANADIAN AUTHORS ASSOCIATION and president of the Montréal branch of PEN Club.

Author Bio for Brinkerhoff, R. M. (Robert Moore)

R.M. (Robert Moore) Brinkerhoff (1880-1958) was an American artist. He produced a comic strip called Little Mary Mixup. He also did some painting and writing. He illustrated several stories in MacLean's Magazine in the 1920s and 1930s. (Lambiek Comiclopedia)

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