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The Red Lacquer Case

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Patricia Wentworth (1878-1961)

Book Details

Title:The Red Lacquer Case
Elles, Dora Amy  Writing under the pseudonym: Wentworth, Patricia   
(41 of 51 for author by title)
Poison in the Pen (Miss Silver #29)
Published:   1924
Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton
Tags:fiction, mystery

There was a hand pressed against the window, a large hand that looked unnaturally white, the blood driven from it by the pressure of a man's weight. The light showed the pale fingers - and the still paler palm crossed by a dark, jagged scar.

Young Sally Meredith is distracted from her jam recipes by a visit from uncle Fritzi, who is accompanied by a mysterious red lacquer case containing a deadly secret. A band of unscrupulous international agents are close behind, and when the eccentric uncle disappears into the night the lacquer case is stolen. But Sally is now the only person who knows how to open the case - she is kidnapped, her life in terrible danger.

Meanwhile Bill Armitage, formerly Sally's fiance and still in love with her, begins with the aid of Scotland Yard to search for her. The ending of this clever detective story is, unexpected and piquantly, in high contrast to the preceding terrors. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:135 Info

Author Bio for Elles, Dora Amy

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Dora Amy Elles (November 10, 1878 - January 28, 1961) wrote under the pen name of Patricia Wentworth. She was a British crime writer, best known for her Miss Silver Mysteries, though she also wrote romantic novels. Miss Silver is frequently compared to Agatha Christie's Jane Marple, though Patricia Wentworth's first Miss Silver novel pre-dated Agatha Christie's first Miss Marple novel by two years, and may well have inspired Agatha Christie.

In Marion Shaw & Sabine Vanacker's book Reflecting on Miss Marple, they said: "while Miss Marple may receive ten times the attention as Miss Silver, ... the woefully neglected Miss Silver is the real deal - a professional investigator and a stand-up woman, a true forerunner of all future female private eyes."

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