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Spheres of Hell [AKA The Puff-Ball Menace]

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Title:Spheres of Hell [AKA The Puff-Ball Menace]
Wyndham, John  Writing under the pseudonym: Harris, John B.   
(16 of 25 for author by title)
Stowaway to Mars (Stowaway to Mars #1)
Sleepers of Mars (Stowaway to Mars #2)
Published:   1933
Publisher:Wonder Stories
Tags:fiction, science fiction, short story

Warfare is becoming increasingly a matter of scientific cleverness and power. A nation of 100,000,000 people, who had no arms other than shotguns would be at the mercy of an enemy many times smaller who was armed with the latest of killing devices. This has been amply illustrated in the prostration of the giant China before the clever little Jap.

Scientific ingenuity for warfare has been turning lately to the development of little known biological devices. In this field there is almost no limit to the fiendish contraptions to make warfare a hell on earth. This story is a case in point, with a startling and surprising climax.--intro. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:25 Info

Author Bio for Wyndham, John

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John Wyndham (1903-1969) was an English science fiction writer. 'Wyndham' was the best known of his pen-names, his full name being John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris. Originally trained as a lawyer, he tried several careers before settling on writing. He characterized his books as "logical fantasy". His stories are typically set in normal English life in which some fantastic event occurs. His best known works include Day of the Triffids, The Kraken Wakes, and The Chrysalids. In particular the word 'triffid' has passed into the lexicon of the English language as referring to any imaginary dangerous plant. (Oxford Companion to English Literature)

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