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Long Hunter

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Book Details

Title:Long Hunter
Parks, Edd Winfield   
Published:   1942
Publisher:Farrar & Rinehart Inc
Tags:fiction, historical

From the dust-jacket—A novel about Thomas Sharp Spencer who really lived, but whose story has become a legendary one in the history of the Tennessee frontier. He was a settler at the time of Daniel Boone in a wild frontier region that the Indians had long fought over. Spencer is remembered as a courageous hunter who, on a bet, lived through a long winter in a hollow tree. His dog Midnight was a faithful, watchful, keen-eared and keen-scented companion. It is doubtful if, without the dog, Spencer could have pulled off his remarkable feat. Attacked and captured by Indian marauders, often cold and wet, often hungry, he nevertheless, by consummate cleverness and ingenuity, managed to feed himself and his dog, to keep warm and clothed and, most important of all, to trap and shoot bear, buffalo, otter, deer, beaver and other game. These provided pelts for clothing and for a trade at the end of the season which left Spencer considerably richer than he was at the beginning of the winter. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:145 Info

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