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Password to Larkspur Lane [Revised Edition] (Nancy Drew Mystery [Revised] #10)

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Book Details

Title:Password to Larkspur Lane [Revised Edition] (Nancy Drew Mystery [Revised] #10)
Doll, Patricia  Writing under the pseudonym: Keene, Carolyn   
(3 of 3 for author by title)
The Mystery at Lilac Inn [Revised Edition] (Nancy Drew Mystery [Revised] #4)
Published:   1966
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap
Tags:amateur detective, detective, fiction, mystery, female detectives, Nancy Drew (Fictional character)

The title does not start with 'The'. The original 1933 edition did have the 'The', but it was dropped in the revised edition.

Blue bells will be singing horses! This strange message, attached to the leg of a wounded homing pigeon, involves Nancy Drew in a dangerous mission. Somewhere an elderly woman is being held prisoner in a mansion. Nancy is determined to find and free Mrs. Eldridge.

While working on the case, the young detective’s close friend, Helen Archer, begs her to solve a weird mystery. Helen’s grandparents, the Cornings, are frightened by a sinister wheel of blue fire that appears after dark in the woods outside their home at lonely Sylvan Lake. When Nancy discovers the significance of the eerie signal, she also learns that her two mysteries are connected.

How the clever young detective fathoms the meaning of the strange message, how she locates the stronghold of a ruthless ring of swindlers, and how she rescues the gang’s victims makes absorbing and exciting reading [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:88 Info

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