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A France Forever!

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Title:A France Forever!
Bedford-Jones, Henry   
(16 of 31 for author by title)
The Hand Invisible
The Four Red Circles
Flanagan, John R.   
(2 of 4 for author by title)
Hangman's House
The Dance of Life
Published:   1941
Publisher:Blue Book Magazine
Tags:adventure, fiction, short story

In this autumn of the year 1424 France lay supine, English, and Burgundian lords had shattered the amies of France. The Valois King was Dead. Over the entire country lay a confused welter of blood and ruin. Everywhere was massacre, treachery, assassination. The open lands were pillaged by wandering bands of mercenaries and vagrant soldiery. Law and justice had ceased; the conquerors were tyrants, looting everything that could be carried away. Even the art of war had descended to a murderous slaughter that knew no rules of chivalry or decency—for chivalry too was only a memory.

But an old Knight left an example that a young Joan of Arc would follow. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:17 Info

Author Bio for Bedford-Jones, Henry

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Henry Bedford-Jones (1887-1949) was a Canadian born author. Born in Napanee, Ontario, his family moved to the United States when he was a teenager and he eventually became a naturalized citizen. He was a prolific author of over 1200 short stories and about 100 novels, many of them set in the adventure theme. He contributed to several series for juvenile readers. Some of his stories ventured into the fantasy and horror genres. (Encyclopedia of Science Fiction)

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