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Bourinot, Arthur   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Come a Singing!
Published:   1921
Publisher:The T. H. Best Printing Co.
Tags:Canadiana, poetry, mixed fiction/nonfiction

Arthur Bourinot (1893-1969) was a Canadian poet and literary critic. Poems is a collection of early poems by the author. Some of them are from his war experience including his time spent as a German POW in WWI. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:43 Info

Author Bio for Bourinot, Arthur

Arthur Stanley Bourinot (1893-1969) was a Canadian poet. He was born in Ottawa, the son of historian Sir John Bourinot, and studied at the University of Toronto. He enlisted in the army in World War I and in the last two years was a prisoner of war. He completed his education as a lawyer and served in that profession from 1920 to 1959. He started writing poetry in 1915. His work is characterized as being a "deft versifier enthralled with the beauty of nature." His early work was somewhat conservative in nature until he published Under the Sun in 1939 which won the Governor General's Award for literature. In this he showed new techniques with "terse rhythms and free verse". In this book he wrote about the Depression and the coming war. During World War II, he further developed as a war poet, and produced such books as Canada at Dieppe and True Harvest. He was active in the literary community and edited the Canadian Poetry Magazine and Canadian Author and Bookman. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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