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The Windswept City: A Novel of the Trojan War

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Title:The Windswept City: A Novel of the Trojan War
Treece, Henry   
(28 of 28 for author by title)
War Dog
Published:   1967
Publisher:Meredith Press
Tags:fiction, juvenile, Mythology, war, Greece, Trojan Wars

The war between the Greeks and the city of Troy had been going on for ten years when the boy Asterius slipped outside the city walls and witnessed the murder of Palamedes in the Greek camp. His escape route, a water pipe, was later used by the great Odysseus himself to visit Helen, whose kidnapping by Priam's younger son Paris had set off the siege of Troy.

In this dramatic retelling of that famous story, the events that followed are seen through the eyes of Asterius, slave to the aging and homesick Helen. Once again those larger-than-life heroes--Odysseus, Hector, Achilles, Agamemnon--stride through the pages of history, all of them, however, including Helen, displaying a hint of humanity that makes their fate all the more tragic.

Henry Treece has brought to this account of the Trojan War a lyric beauty worthy of the epic; his exciting descriptions of the violent death of Hector, the final battles, the hatching of Agamemnon's plot, and the legendary fall of the windswept city. [Suggest a different description.]

Comments:This is a Junior Literary Guild selection, chosen as an outstanding book for boys and girls (A Group)
Pages:59 Info

Author Bio for Treece, Henry

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Henry Treece (1911-1966) was one of the most prolific writers of historical fiction in the 20th Century. Born in Staffordshire, he mostly wrote prose fiction but he also published five collections of poems including The Haunted Garden in 1947. Together with writer J.F. Hendry (1912-1986) he was founder of the New Apocalyptics poetry group that was active in the 1930s.

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