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South with Scott

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Book Details

Title:South with Scott
Evans, Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell  Writing under the pseudonym: Mountevans, Admiral Lord   
Ponting, Herbert   
Published:   1938
Publisher:Wm. Collins Sons and Co. Ltd.
Tags:exploration, history, non-fiction, Antarctica

The Terra Nova Expedition, officially the British Antarctic Expedition, was an expedition to Antarctica which took place between 1910 and 1913. It was led by Robert Falcon Scott and had various scientific and geographical objectives. Scott wished to continue the scientific work that he had begun when leading the Discovery expedition to the Antarctic from 1901 to 1904. He also wanted to be the first to reach the geographic South Pole. He and four companions attained the pole on 17 January 1912, where they found that the Norwegian team led by Roald Amundsen had preceded them by 34 days. Scott's entire party of five died on the return journey from the pole; some of their bodies, journals, and photographs were found by a search party eight months later.—Wikipedia. [Suggest a different description.]

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