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Mirror of Dreams

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Book Details

Title:Mirror of Dreams
Gompertz, Martin Louis Alan  Writing under the pseudonym: Ganpat   
Published:   1928
Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton

This is the story of Tom Carruthers, who found a strange mirror when he was wandering on the edge of Central Asia, and thereby opened up his dream country. It is partly the story of Tarzi--an honest cut-throat of Turkestan--and of his friend Tor Beg the brigand. It is also the story of Krishna Rao, a Hindu gentleman who studied engineering in London, obtained a temporary commission in the great war, stopped a couple of bullets and got himself mentioned in dispatches. Lately the story is concerned with that foul blot on the world's surface--Dhyanand--who was certainly born to be hanged. - Dustjacket. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:214 Info

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