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Sutcliffe, Henry James Halliwell   
Published:   1925
Publisher:John Long, Ltd.

This novel describes a feud between Dick Hardcastle of Logie and the shiftless inhabitants of a settlement called Garsykes, known as the Lost Folk. The men of Garsykes are inflamed against Hardcastle by Nita, a basket-maker who had hoped to be Mistress of Logie. Hardcastle broke with her some years before the story begins, but she has taken it hard. A Scots pedlar, Donald, and his daughter Causleen are forced to take shelter at Logie, as Donald is taken ill. Donald is not very happy to accept the hospitality of a house that still has a pike used against the Scots at Flodden, but he has no choice. The men of Garsykes try to steal sheep from Hardcastle and his shepherd, but they are put to flight with the help of Storm, a sheepdog turned sheep-killer, who lives half wild on the moors. When the men of Garsykes come to set fire to Logie, Donald helps to defend the place, and uses the hated pike himself to good purpose. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:239 Info

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