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The King's Bed

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Book Details

Title:The King's Bed
Barnes, Margaret Campbell   
(2 of 6 for author by title)
King's Fool
Brief Gaudy Hour
Published:   1961
Publisher:Macrae Smith Company
Tags:fiction, historical

When the two cloaked horsemen come riding pell-mell down the rain-spattered street, Tansy Marsh wonders why the rich, belated travelers have selected her father’s inn, with the ostentatious sign of his more successful rival hanging so invitingly across the way. But Robert Marsh’s sign of the White Boar carries the badge he fought under with Richard III when the King was Duke of Gloucester, and with the cohorts of upstart Henry Tudor threatening a renewal of the long, tiresome civil wars of the red and white roses, the King’s riders are seeking only faithful friends. As a result of their coming, greed and pathos, kindly humor, tragedy and tender love will have their day at the White Boar Inn, which is to become notable, infamous and sensational in turn because the King spent his last night there in his richly carved traveling bed. -- Dust cover. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:216 Info

Author Bio for Barnes, Margaret Campbell

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Margaret Campbell Barnes (1891–1963) was an English writer of short-stories and historical fiction. Born in Rotherfield, she grew up in the countryside in Essex. She did some travel writing and published numerous short stories over the next 25 years in several magazines. During World War II she served as an ambulance driver in the streets of London. In 1944 at the behest of her agent, she started writing historical novels. By the time of her death she had completed ten books. Many were bestsellers and all told about 2 million copies have been sold. (Twentieth Century Romance and Historical Writers)

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