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Here Lies: The Collected Stories of Dorothy Parker

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Book Details

Title:Here Lies: The Collected Stories of Dorothy Parker
Parker, Dorothy   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Big Blonde
Published:   1939
Publisher:The Literary Guild of America, Inc.
Tags:fiction, short stories

This volume contains all of Dorothy Parker’s short stories excepting a few which she did not wish to retain among her collected prose (as of 1939).

For those who know her longest & most for snarky observations of folks with too much time on their hands & not enough in their hearts, Parker’s stories should be a revelation. Her observations of class and race are fearless, compassionate markers of the uneasiness and ignorance of her day. And of course no woman who has limped away from an insensitive dance partner should have to live without her very own copy of “The Waltz.”—Jude @ Goodreads.com.

... I have to say, I could only read a story a day (or one every other day). These stories are emotionally draining. And, I do not mean it in a negative way. Dorothy Parker works your brain.

There were several that made me laugh too—the absurdity of situations. And, that is what Dorothy Parker is famous for—her snarky prose.—Martha @ Goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:205 Info

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