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Lord Johnnie

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Book Details

Title:Lord Johnnie
White, Leslie Turner   
Published:   1949
Publisher:Crown Publishers
Tags:adventure, fiction

Men will like and women will love dashing, rip-roaring Lord Johnnie, left-handed scion of nobility. Strange mixture of London's Whitehall--where the nobles lived--and Whitefriars--where the thieves and pickpockets dwelt--Johnnie the Rogue was at home in both.

Leader of London's underworld, Johnnie barely escapes hanging, but not before he has met the lovely Lady Leanna Somerset. His headlong adventures take Lord Johnnie out to sea as a pirate, and eventually to the New World in command of a ship he has captured. Society--and the underworld--are of a different stripe in New York, but a brigand is still forced to keep several jumps ahead of the law. Johnnie meets new friends, effects new and daring paces, and finds himself used by Fate as a pawn in the game played by the English and the French in pre-Revolutionary days in America.

His great yearning to be a gentleman is seldom absent from his mind, but fulfillment of that desire comes in an unexpected and surprising way.--dustcover [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:339 Info

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