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The Cairn on the Headland

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Book Details

Title:The Cairn on the Headland
Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin)   
(4 of 27 for author by title)
The Children of the Night
Black Vulmea's Vengeance
Published:   1948
Publisher:Avon Fantasy Reader
Tags:fantasy, fiction

We who read stories of evil spirits, ghosts, demons and hellish monsters sometimes forget that if you accept the possibilities of such dark forces of evil, then you must also allow the corollary, the existence of forces for good, for light against dark. In this story, which is one of the most powerful tales Robert E. Howard ever wrote, the author makes unexpected use of such powers to answer as dark a challenge as fiction ever presented.--intro. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:32 Info

Author Bio for Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin)

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Robert E. Howard (1906–1936), was a prominent and prolific writer in the fantasy genre. Though Howard is perhaps best known for creating the character Conan the Barbarian, he wrote more than 100 stories for pulp magazines of his day, though his career spanned only 12 years before he committed suicide at the age of 30.

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