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The Slugly Beast

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Title:The Slugly Beast
Plunkett, Edward 18th Baron of Dunsany  Writing under the pseudonym: Dunsany, Lord   
(20 of 22 for author by title)
The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories
Seven Modern Comedies
Published:   1948
Publisher:Avon Fantasy Reader
Tags:fiction, science fiction

This is a sequel to "Our Distant Cousins" to be found in "The Travel Tales of Mr. Joseph Jorkens".

You will be able to find Lord Dunsany's Our Distant Cousins represented in half a dozen popular anthologies. In fact it is quite difficult to fail to encounter that story of a flight to Mars by an aviator friend of the famed raconteur, Jorkens, and of the curious condition this aviator, Terner, found on the red planet: how humanity was but the penned-up cattle for a fearsome, inhuman master species. What is not common knowledge is that Lord Dunsany wrote a sequel to Our Distant Cousins in response to public demand for further news of the situation on Mars. Even if by some inexplicable chance, you didn't read the original story, we are sure that you will still find The Slugly Beast an interesting departure from the interplanetary track.--intro. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:19 Info

Author Bio for Plunkett, Edward 18th Baron of Dunsany

Author Image

Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany (24 July 1878 – 25 October 1957) was an Irish writer and dramatist, notable for his work, mostly in fantasy, published under the name Lord Dunsany. More than eighty books of his work were published, and his oeuvre includes many hundreds of published short stories, as well as successful plays, novels and essays.--Wikipedia.

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