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My Lady of Cleves

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Book Details

Title:My Lady of Cleves
Barnes, Margaret Campbell   
(5 of 6 for author by title)
With All My Heart
Mary of Carisbrooke
Published:   1946
Tags:fiction, Henry VIII, historical

My Lady of Cleves reveals the mesmerizing story of Anne of Cleves, Henry VIII's fourth wife, one of the rare women who matched wits successfully with the fiery king and lived to tell the tale.

Written by world-renowned historical novelist Margaret Campbell Barnes, My Lady of Cleves gives readers an intimate portrait of the warm, unpretentious princess who never expected to become Queen of England. Knowing the king's ravenous desire for a son, and aware of the disastrous consequences of not bearing an heir, Anne of Cleves bravely took on the duty of weathering the Tudor King's temper, whims, arrogance, and irresponsible passions - and won the hearts of his subjects in the process. - Historical Tapestry. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:297 Info

Author Bio for Barnes, Margaret Campbell

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Margaret Campbell Barnes (1891–1963) was an English writer of short-stories and historical fiction. Born in Rotherfield, she grew up in the countryside in Essex. She did some travel writing and published numerous short stories over the next 25 years in several magazines. During World War II she served as an ambulance driver in the streets of London. In 1944 at the behest of her agent, she started writing historical novels. By the time of her death she had completed ten books. Many were bestsellers and all told about 2 million copies have been sold. (Twentieth Century Romance and Historical Writers)

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