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Swift Lightning

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Book Details

Title:Swift Lightning
Curwood, James Oliver   
(5 of 5 for author by title)
The Plains of Abraham
Published:   1919
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap
Tags:adventure, Canadiana, fiction, wildlife, wolf, dogs

Swift Lightning was a wolf with a wild and savage soul. But many wolf-generations earlier, one of his ancestors was a Great Dane. The small part of him that was a dog is undeniably present as he interacts with the animals and the humans, some of whom were out to kill the wolves, in the great Canadian Northwest. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:117 Info

Author Bio for Curwood, James Oliver

James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927) was an American writer of adventure novels. Born in Michigan, he worked as a reporter and editor for the News Tribune in Detroit. He worked for the Canadian government as a tourism promoter and in those endeavours travelled extensively in the northern parts of Canada, a place he referred to afterwards as "God's Country". His experience there transformed him from a big-game hunter into a conservationist. He wrote several novels many of which have Canadian themes including The Black Hunter, A Gentleman of Courage and the Plains of Abraham. (Twentieth Century Authors)

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