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The Bat Flies Low

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Title:The Bat Flies Low
Ward, Arthur Henry  Writing under the pseudonym: Rohmer, Sax   
(1 of 16 for author by title)
The Curse of a Thousand Kisses
Published:   1935
Publisher:P. F. Collier & Son Corporation
Tags:fiction, mystery, suspense

Sax Rohmer, creator of Fu Manchu, weaves the weird background and age-old mysteries of Ancient Egypt into the swift and absorbing pages of this new novel.

Lincoln Hayes, New York’s most eligible bachelor, has found in a chapter of the centuries-old Book of Thoth a secret which he believes will enable him to discover a priceless Egyptian formula. But before he can leave for Egypt the manuscript vanishes, and with it the cryptic Egyptian gentleman, Mohammed Bey. Involved then with sinister underworld forces, functioning with Oriental subtlety and precision, Hayes starts his search....

The trail inevitably leads to Egypt, land of mystery and dark wisdom. And it is here, while trying to penetrate the veil which guards the ancient secrets, that Lincoln Hayes and his party encounter those terrifying experiences which Sax Rohmer pictures so well.—Goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:179 Info

Author Bio for Ward, Arthur Henry

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Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward (15 February 1883—1 June 1959), better known as Sax Rohmer, was a prolific English novelist. He is best remembered for his series of novels featuring the master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu.

Born in Birmingham, he had an entirely working-class education and early career before beginning to write. His first published work was in 1903, the short story The Mysterious Mummy for Pearson’s Weekly. He made his early living writing comedy sketches for music hall performers and short stories and serials for magazines.

His first Fu Manchu novel, The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu, was serialized from October 1912—June 1913. It was an immediate success with its fast-paced story of Denis Nayland Smith and Dr. Petrie facing the worldwide conspiracy of the “Yellow Peril”. The Fu Manchu stories, together with his more conventional detective series characters—Paul Harley, Gaston Max, Red Kerry, Morris Klaw, and The Crime Magnet, made Rohmer one of the most successful and well-paid authors of the 1920s and 1930s.

His final success came with a series of novels featuring a female variation on Fu Manchu, Sumuru.

—fantasticfiction.com; goodreads.com

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