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The Majii: A Doc Savage Adventure (Doc Savage #60)

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Book Details

Title:The Majii: A Doc Savage Adventure (Doc Savage #60)
Dunn, J. Allan  Writing under the pseudonym: Robeson, Kenneth   
Published:   1935
Publisher:Doc Savage Magazine
Tags:adventure, Doc Savage (Fictional character), fiction

The Majii is an ancient and immortal master of mystic arts worshipped throughout Jondore. His discipline Rama Tura, a “living dead man” carried to and fro in a coffin by his acolytes, is working wonders in New York City, turning pebbles and costume jewelry into real gems, sales of which are donated to charity, earning him accolades, but he leaves a trail of corpses in his wake. Anyone who is too curious about the Majii’s disciple die mysteriously and Doc and his men become dangerously curious about that. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:116 Info

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