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Honey for the Ghost

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Title:Honey for the Ghost
Golding, Louis   
(4 of 6 for author by title)
Mr. Emmanuel (Tales of the Silver Sisters #2)
Five Silver Daughters (Tales of the Silver Sisters #1)
Published:   1949
Publisher:Hutchinson & Co., Ltd.
Tags:fiction, ghosts

When Jim Gunning of Holloway, a Cockney suburb of London, came back from the war, he discovered he had incurred a disease that the doctors despaired of curing. But Jim loved his wife Sal and his small son too well to accept the doctors' dismal verdict. Fleeing the sanitarium to which he had been ordered, he travelled to Largan nah Chaorochain, a remote spot in the Scotch Highlands, to cure himself. It was there that he met a very strange and seemingly wealthy old woman named Miss Lemuel. - Front book flap. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:413 Info

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