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Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone   
(3 of 13 for author by title)
The Curtain
Ashes of Dreams
Published:   1926
Publisher:The Riverside Press
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, fiction

Generally acknowledged as Isabel Mackay’s best novel. Blencarrow anatomizes the varieties of love as it records generational changes in a small town not unlike Woodstock, through the experiences of a group of boys and girls growing up together. A second plot centres on a family who have fallen from fortune because of the father’s drinking. His abusive behaviour makes their lives unbearable.

Mackay was ahead of her time in treating domestic violence, but her modernism was overlooked by Canadian reviewers who read her work within the frame of cultural nationalism. They praised the “depth” of characterization and “atmosphere” in her portrait of the town to claim this genre as the definitive form of the “Canadian novel.”—www.biographi.ca [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:194 Info

Author Bio for Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Isabel Ecclestone Mackay (1875-1928) was a Canadian author. Known for her poetry and short stories, she also wrote several novels. Her best known novel, "Blencarrow", is available here on Faded Page. She was close friends with other literary women such as Marjorie Pickthall and Pauline Johnson and her writing was influenced by them as theirs was by hers. (Canadian Dictionary of Biography)

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