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The Insect Man

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Title:The Insect Man
Doorly, Eleanor   
(1 of 3 for author by title)
The Microbe Man--A Life of Pasteur for Young People
de la Mare, Walter   
(17 of 21 for author by title)
Inward Companion
Collected Stories for Children — The Three Sleeping Boys of Warwickshire
Gibbings, Robert   
(1 of 3 for author by title)
The Microbe Man--A Life of Pasteur for Young People
Published:   1936
Publisher:William Heinemann Ltd
Tags:biography, juvenile, nature, non-fiction

The Insect Man is a tale of how the Yew Tree children went to France to hear the story of Jean Henri Fabre in the places where he lived and to see the homes of some of the insects whose life-story he has written about. The book includes illustrations by Robert Gibbings and an Introduction by Walter de la Mare.

Jean Henri Fabre was a popular teacher, physicist, chemist and botanist who is best known for his study of insects and for the lively style of his popular books on the lives of insects. He is considered by many to be the father of modern entomology. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:95 Info

Author Bio for de la Mare, Walter

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Walter John de la Mare OM CH (25 April 1873 – 22 June 1956) was an English poet, short story writer and novelist. He is probably best remembered for his works for children, for his poem "The Listeners", and for subtle psychological horror stories, amongst them "Seaton's Aunt" and "Out of the Deep".

His 1921 novel Memoirs of a Midget won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction, and his post-war Collected Stories for Children won the 1947 Carnegie Medal for British children's books.--Wikipedia.

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