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The Secret Seven (Secret Seven #1)

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Title:The Secret Seven (Secret Seven #1)
Blyton, Enid   
(134 of 166 for author by title)
Secret Seven Adventure (Secret Seven #2)
The Secret of Spiggy Holes (Secret Series #2)
Published:   1949
Publisher:Brockhampton Press
Tags:fiction, juvenile, mystery

This is the first of the Secret Seven series.

The Secret Seven Society consists of Peter, his sister Janet, and their friends Jack, Colin, George, Pam and Barbara. Although not an official member of the Secret Seven, Peter and Janet's golden spaniel Scamper also attends meetings. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:60 Info

Author Bio for Blyton, Enid

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Enid Blyton (1897-1968) was a prolific English author of children's books. Born in London, she began writing while still in school. Her first attempts at writing were rejected by publishers which just made her more determined to succeed. She trained as a teacher and in her spare time continued to write. Her first book, a collection of poems, was published in 1922. Her first series of books, "Old Thatch", began in 1934 and eventually encompassed 28 books. In the 1940's she began to churn out books sometimes three or four per year. By the 1950's she was publishing upwards of 50 books per year. In all, she wrote over 750 books which sold over 600 million copies. While critics called her writing unimaginative and lacking literary merit, this did not stop her adoring fans from scooping her books off the shelf. Even after her death, her endearing stories continue to draw the rapt attention of children everywhere. (Enid Blyton Society)

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