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Skin and Bones

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Book Details

Title:Skin and Bones
Smith, Thorne   
(6 of 10 for author by title)
The Stray Lamb
Rain in the Doorway
Published:   1933
Publisher:The Sun Dial Press, Inc.
Tags:fiction, ghosts, humour, supernatural

A photographer’s freak accident in the dark room produces a chemical concoction causing him (and his dog) to randomly switch back and forth between normal and X-ray (skeleton) versions of themselves. Predictably, much drinking and cavorting ensues, as he finds people able to see beyond his appearance and appreciate him for who he is, while inadvertently terrifying those who can not. Unusually, his wife Lorna is an attractive personality. [Suggest a different description.]

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Pages:174 Info

Author Bio for Smith, Thorne

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James Thorne Smith, Jr. (March 27, 1892 – June 21, 1934) was an American writer of humorous supernatural fantasy fiction under the byline Thorne Smith. He is best known today for the two Topper novels and comic fantasy fiction involving sex, much drinking and supernatural transformations. With racy illustrations, these sold millions of copies in the 1930s and were equally popular in paperbacks of the 1950s. His most popular work: Topper, which was not only a favorite book, but was also adapted into a successful movie with two sequels, a top radio program and a popular TV series.

Thorne’s impact can be felt in the writings of authors as diverse as Robert Bloch, Neil Gaiman, and James Thurber. Other works influenced by him include the cartoons of “Beetle Bailey”, “Sad Sack” and “Casper the Friendly Ghost” and the TV shows “Bewitched”, “Mr. Ed”, and “I Dream of Jeannie”.

Smith drank as steadily as his characters; his appearance in James Thurber's “The Years with Ross” involves an unexplained week-long disappearance. Smith was born in Annapolis, Maryland, the son of a Navy commodore, and attended Dartmouth College. Following hungry years in Greenwich Village, working part-time as an advertising agent, Smith achieved meteoric success with the publication of “Topper” in 1926. He was an early resident of Free Acres, a social experimental community developed by Bolton Hall according to the economic principles of Henry George in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. He died of a heart attack in 1934 while vacationing in Florida.

Source: Wikipedia and thornesmith.net

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