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Dancers in Mourning (Albert Campion #9)

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Title:Dancers in Mourning (Albert Campion #9)
Allingham, Margery   
(8 of 26 for author by title)
Deadly Duo
The Crime at Black Dudley (Albert Campion #1)
Published:   1937
Publisher:Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Tags:fiction, mystery, film/TV adaptation, Albert Campion (Fictional character)

When Mr. Campion walked into the Argosy Theatre at the invitation of Uncle William Faraday, whose “reinforced” memoirs had provided the book for the musical show there, he walked into a mystery as absorbing and far more personally upsetting than any of his career. Miss Allingham’s book is a mystery which, without sacrificing any of the thrill and suspense of the pure detective tale, is also a sincere and moving novel.

The picturesque company surrounding Jimmy Sutane, the dancer, are living creations whose difficulties and desires excite our sympathy as well as our interest.

The child and her dog, the magnificent old doctor, and the man who found himself faced by the prospect of making an impossible decision are not creatures of the imagination, but human flesh-and-blood people whom we get to know and love. - from Book Jacket, First Edition UK [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:268 Info

Author Bio for Allingham, Margery

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Margery Allingham was a British writer detective stories during the "Golden Age" of crime writing. Her character, Albert Campion first appeared in 1929. She continued to develop his character and kept him alive right up until her own death in 1966. The final Campion novel was completed by her husband Philip Youngman Carter posthumously.

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