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The Sealed Valley

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Book Details

Title:The Sealed Valley
Footner, Hulbert   
(38 of 50 for author by title)
A Self-Made Thief
Scarred Jungle
Potts, W. Sherman   
Published:   1915
Publisher:The Frank A. Munsey Company
Tags:adventure, Canadiana, fiction

If you want a brisk tale of adventures, in which leading parts are played by a hidden, almost inaccessible, valley, a remnant of a once-powerful tribe of Indians and a gold mine of fabulous value, then you will find something pretty much to your taste in the volume by Hulbert Footner. And when we add the fact that a high-souled Indian girl, a sort of Joan of Arc of her tribe, dreams of restoring the bygone glory of her race and to this end sacrifices her love for a white man, it is evident that here is a blend of adventure and love and sacrifice that ought to suit a wide variety of tastes.

—The Bookman, March 1915 [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:140 Info

Author Bio for Footner, Hulbert

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Hulbert Footner (1879–1944) was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction.

His most successful creation was the beautiful and brilliant Madame Rosika Storey and her plain assistant who explains the evolving solutions to her boss’ cases. His Madame Storey mysteries fit the flapping 1920s like the long lizard gloves that graced her arms and did well supporting his traveling family’s lifestyle. His Rosika Storey cases appeared in Argosy All-Story Weekly every year from 1922 through 1935.--Wikipedia.

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