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Mémoires de Garibaldi - tome 2

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Title:Mémoires de Garibaldi - tome 2
Dumas, Alexandre   
(3 of 6 for author by title)
Pauline et Pascal Bruno
Mémoires de Garibaldi - tome 1
Published:   1866
Publisher:Michel Lévy Frères
Tags:biography, non-fiction

Batailles navales mémorables, coups de main audacieux, défense héroïque de Rome contre l'armée ennemie: tout comme le premier volume, sous la plume d'Alexandre Dumas cette deuxième série d'aventures se lit comme un roman; mais l'histoire est bien réelle, et c'est l'existence même de l'Uruguay, puis de l'Italie qui est en jeu. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:219 Info

Author Bio for Dumas, Alexandre

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Alexandre Dumas (24 July 1802 – 5 December 1870), also known as Alexandre Dumas, père, was a French writer. His works have been translated into nearly 100 languages, and he is one of the most widely read French authors. Many of his historical novels of high adventure were originally published as serials, including The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, and The Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later. His novels have been adapted since the early twentieth century for nearly 200 films. Dumas' last novel, The Knight of Sainte-Hermine, unfinished at his death, was completed by a scholar and published in 2005, becoming a bestseller. It was published in English in 2008 as The Last Cavalier.

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