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Black John of Halfaday Creek

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Book Details

Title:Black John of Halfaday Creek
Hendryx, James B.   
(2 of 8 for author by title)
Blood of the North (Corporal Downey #12)
Beyond the Outposts
Published:   1936
Tags:adventure, Alaska, Canada, Canadiana, fiction, gold, U.S.A., Yukon

Halfaday Creek, during the Yukon gold rush, is a refuge for outlaws on the run from the law, and is located conveniently near the border so that they can slip across whenever necessary to avoid the lawman that comes after them. One of the customs of Halfaday Creek is that everyone who comes there picks up a new name from a supply on the bar. This is to avoid confusion with too many John Smiths turning up there.

While the residents are outlaws, Black John, a prospector, and Cushing, the saloon keeper, run Halfaday Creek and ensure that crime is dealt with so that the law does not pay too much attention to Halfaday Creek.

Justice among these outlaws is rough and ready, and some of the funniest scenes are the trials with miners as the jury and audience and Black John as prosecutor and judge rolled into one. Most of the time Black John manages to help the law in his own unique way, as often as not profiting from the transaction.—Pulpflakes [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:235 Info

Author Bio for Hendryx, James B.

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James Hendryx (1880-1963) was an American author of western fiction. Born in Minnesota, he established his reputation as a writer early in his life. He worked as a journalist in Ohio for the Cincinnati Enquirer. In 1915 he began writing novels and over the course of the next 50 years he completed over 40 books and many short stories. All of his work was in the western genre. While there were many authors competing in this field, he established himself in the sub-genre of fictionalizing the Canadian West. He portrayed Canada as a relatively lawful and orderly society with reliable police and civilized courts. He developed several series including Corporal Downey of the North West Mounted Police, Connie Morgan, a children's book series and the Halfaday Creek Series. (Twentieth Century Western Writers)

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