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A Question of Faith

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Book Details

Title:A Question of Faith
Dougall, Lily   
Published:   1895
Publisher:Houghton, Mifflin and Company
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, man-women relationships

The "faith" in the story is faith in each other, not the religious kind. A couple's relationship is tested when he is suspicious of her behaviour and she simply asks him to trust her. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:128 Info

Author Bio for Dougall, Lily

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Lily Dougall (April 16, 1858—October 9, 1923) was a Canadian author. She was born in Montreal and educated in New York and Scotland. She lived in Montreal from 1897 to 1903 when she moved to Cumnor, England (near Oxford) for health reasons as she suffered from asthma. During her stay in England she became the centre of a group dedicated to religious thought. In all Dougall wrote 12 novels, four of which had Canadian settings. They tended towards a framework of a popular mystery novel with such melodramatic structures as coincidence, disguise, hidden identity and thwarted love. Her novels are known today less for their literary merit than in Dougall's exploration of contemporary religious and philosophical themes. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature, Canada's Early Women Writers: Simon Fraser University)

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