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The Bird in the Box

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Book Details

Title:The Bird in the Box
Mears, Mary   
Published:   1910
Publisher:Frederick A. Stokes Company

Mary Mears, writes from the depths of a conviction of life’s seriousness. In a previous novel, “The Breath of the Runners,” there was the same feeling for the dignity of labor and the power of love that is more fully brought out here. While at times the strain of genius is quite over emphasized, yet the grouping of original and exceptional individuals not too detached from every-day life restores the balance, and the reader takes renewed interest in the story. The author’s idea is expressed in a few words: Man has need of freedom, hence the marvels of his inventive mind shown in devices for chaining nature and annihilating space. Here stands out the eccentric figure of Emil St. Ives in the story. But man has need of freedom, and obtains it by pouring out affection as the freed bird sings. Here one finds Rachel, the brave, energetic, and loving girl and woman, who is strong enough to overcome for herself and to infuse strength into others who are not strong in themselves.

—The Outlook [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:582 Info

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