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Rabble in Arms: A Chronicle of Arundel and the Burgoyne Invasion (Chronicles of Arundel #3)

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Book Details

Title:Rabble in Arms: A Chronicle of Arundel and the Burgoyne Invasion (Chronicles of Arundel #3)
Roberts, Kenneth   
(3 of 3 for author by title)
Lydia Bailey
Published:   1939
Tags:fiction, historical, American Revolution

As the novel opens in March 1776, Peter and his younger brother Nathaniel are in London on a mission to sell one of their father's ships. A letter from home tells of the hardships suffered by those in Arundel who seem to lack zeal in support of the Revolution. The elder Merrill asks his sons to return as soon as possible, as their stay in London has aroused the suspicions of the local Patriots. Upon their return, they are persuaded to join Nason and Huff in a company preparing to march from Arundel to reinforce General Benedict Arnold's little American army in resisting a British invasion from Canada.

The brothers are not entirely convinced that taking on the British army is a good idea, but realize that their family will be safe from patriotic persecution only if the Merrills join the cause. Their story joins with Arnold's from the strategic retreat from Canada through the climactic American victory at Saratoga, New York.--historicalnovels-wcc.blogspot.ca. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:610 Info

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