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Report on the Dominion Government Expedition to Hudson Bay and The Arctic Islands On Board the D. G. S. Neptune [The Cruise of the Neptune]

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Title:Report on the Dominion Government Expedition to Hudson Bay and The Arctic Islands On Board the D. G. S. Neptune [The Cruise of the Neptune]
Low, Albert Peter   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
The Dawn of Canadian History: A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada and the coming of the White Man (Chronicles of Canada #1)
Published:   1906
Publisher:Government Printing Bureau
Tags:Arctic, Canada, Canadiana, exploration, explorers, government publication, history, non-fiction

Low was chosen to command a government expedition to Hudson Bay and the Eastern Arctic islands (now part of Nunavut) in 1903-04. Though the expedition was scientific in nature, it was also Canada's first clear exercise of authority over its newly acquired northern lands.

The steamship Neptune was home for 15 months to the expedition party which included scientific staff. After surveying the west coast of Hudson Bay, the expedition sailed to Ellesmere Island in the summer of 1904 and took formal possession of it for Canada. The flag was also raised on Beechey and Somerset islands before the Neptune returned to Halifax, having covered a distance of 3,200 kilometres.

The GSC crew performed extensive geological examinations at every anchorage and studied the weather, ice conditions, tides and currents. They also collected rocks, fossils, bird, fish and mammal specimens.

During their explorations, the GSC crew also found evidence of the Franklin expedition on Beechey Island. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:349 Info

Author Bio for Low, Albert Peter

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Albert Peter Low (1861-1942) was a Canadian geologist and explorer. He was a member of the Geological Survey of Canada of which he became director in 1906. He is best remembered for commanding an expedition to the arctic in 1904 which helped Canada assert sovereignty over its northern territory. His photograph in Volume I of the Chronicles of Canada was taken by him on one of trips to the Canadian Arctic. (Natural Resources Canada)

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