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First Russia, Then Tibet

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Book Details

Title:First Russia, Then Tibet
Byron, Robert   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
The Road to Oxiana
Published:   1933
Publisher:Macmillan & Co. Limited
Tags:Asia, non-fiction, Russia, travel, Tibet

Over the course of several months during 1931 and 1932, Robert Byron journeyed to three countries teetering on the brink of change. In Russia, which was stricken by famine, Lenin had just died, Stalin's dictatorship was in its infancy and the Great Terror was yet to begin. Having taken the first commercial flight to India, which took a week, Byron was thrown into the tumultuous last years of the British Raj. Gandhi was imprisoned while rioting and clashes between Hindus and Muslims had become commonplace. Finally Byron entered Tibet, the forbidden country. Exploring the Land of Snows, he saw Tibet as it was when the then Dalai Lama was still ensconced in the Potala Palace, twenty years before China's invasion. Blending classic travel writing with passionate observations on the deeper political and social issues of the time, Byron writes with uncanny prescience of the eventual horrors of the Soviet Union and the downfall of the Raj. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:108 Info

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