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The Clash! A Study in Nationalities

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Book Details

Title:The Clash! A Study in Nationalities
Moore, William Henry   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
The Definite National Purpose
Published:   1918
Publisher:J. M. Dent & Sons, Limited
Tags:Canadiana, non-fiction, political science

In 1918, when World War I was still raging and in the aftermath of Regulation 17, which abolished French-language education in Ontario, Moore wrote a remarkable book entitled The Clash: A Study in Nationalities. In the book, he argued that British traditions called for bilingualism and inclusion, and shrewdly contrasted them with what he called the rigid Prussian approach.

Senator Léon Mercier Gouin described The Clash as an "unsurpassed study of my people" and endorsed Moore's definition of nationality. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:106 Info

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