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Humor: Its Theory and Technique

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Stephen Leacock (1869-1944)

Book Details

Title:Humor: Its Theory and Technique
Leacock, Stephen Butler   
(33 of 78 for author by title)
In Dry Toronto
Humor and Humanity: An Introduction to the Study of Humor
Published:   1935
Publisher:Dodd, Mead & Company
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, humour

Professor Leacock is a political economist, and in his less lively moments accustomed to dryness and order. His readers have grounds to entertain hopes of a more orderly treatise than he offers us in the present work; one hoped for a basic treatise on the art of belly laughter—a sort of anatomy of humor by a first-rate humorist. Instead, we are given a rambling and delightful book, filled with fun—with the serious best of it devoted to a comparison of methods distinguishing the jokes of Mark Twain and Charles Dickens, giants of the Victorian era, which Leacock regards as the golden age of humor. The inference is drawn that, in the middle of the nineteenth century, the implications of humor as social criticism were best supported by brutal fact.

—Laurence Stallings, The American Mercury, June 1935 [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:167 Info

Author Bio for Leacock, Stephen Butler

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Stephen Leacock (1869-1944) was a Canadian author. Born in England, his family moved to Canada when he was six years old. The family settled in Sutton, Ontario on the south shore of Lake Simcoe. A bright student, he went to Upper Canada College where he was top of his class. After a brief stint at teaching (which he loathed) he eventually went on to become chair of the Department of Economics and Political Science at McGill University. Although he wrote several books on these august subjects, he is best known for his light satirical and humorous writing, in particular, "Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town". (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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