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Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks

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Book Details

Title:Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks
Coleman, A. P.   
Wheeler, A. O. (Arthur Oliver)   
Published:   1914
Publisher:Department of the Interior
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, non-fiction, Rockies, travel

Part travelogue, part scientific narrative of major glaciers of the Rocky and Selkirk mountain ranges. Includes many photographs. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:55 Info

Author Bio for Coleman, A. P.

Arthur Philemon Coleman (1852-1039) was a Canadian geologist and professor. He was born in Lachute, Quebec. He was educated in Cobourg at Victoria College (now in Toronto) and also Breslau, Germany. He joined Victoria College as a professor in 1882 and progressed to Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science in 1919. He published numerous papers on geological subjects around Ontario and other parts of Canada. In particular, he investigated the geological history of southern Ontario leading to new insights on the ice ages that affected the landscape of Ontario. He was also a talented amateur painter. Some of his works are available for viewing at the Royal Ontario Museum. (American Alpine Club)

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