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The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences

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Book Details

Title:The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences
Treves, Sir Frederick   
(1 of 3 for author by title)
The Riviera of the Corniche Road
Published:   1923
Publisher:Cassell & Company Ltd
Tags:England, fiction, short stories, physicians, abnormalities: Human, film/TV adaptation

The story of Merrick's (the Elephant Man's) life published in 1923 is the source of most of what is known about the man, and forms the basis of the films, television adaptations and plays that followed. However, the story about Merrick is only one of many of Doctor Treves' reminiscences, each of them absorbing and fascinating. This book gives a great insight into medical changes and problems at the time and forms the memoirs of a great doctor with a distinguished medical career. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:108 Info

Author Bio for Treves, Sir Frederick

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Frederick Treves (1853–1923) was a prominent British surgeon. Treves was widely known as a close friend of Joseph Merrick, known as the "Elephant Man" due to his severe deformities. Born in Dorchester, he studied medicine and passed his surgical exams in 1878. He specialized in abdominal surgery at London Hospital. In 1886, he saw Joseph Merrick being exhibited as a showman's curiosity. He brought him to the hospital where he lived until his death in 1890. During the Boer War he worked in a field hospital. He chronicled this experience in a book called "The Tale of a Field Hospital". In 1902, he performed an appendectomy on King Edward VII. The procedure was not well known at the time but the king recovered and for that service, Treves was awarded a baronetcy. Treves travelled widely which resulted in several travelogues, including "Uganda for a Holiday" and "The Riviera of the Corniche Road". (Surgical-tutor.org.uk)

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